I'm Seerat Fatima
-Software Engineer

Sleep - Code - Repeat

About Me.

Code ignites my passion, AI and ML fuel my creativity. I'm a software engineer driven by the desire to push the boundaries of intelligent technology.

My happy place is amidst ML algorithms, where lines of code morph into solutions that learn, adapt, and shape the future. 

Beyond ML, I have pushed my boundaries to build sophisticated backend and frontent of Web Apps.

So whether the problem requires intelligent solution or a scalable web app, I'm always ready to dive in!


Automated Dairy Farm

Project Intro

A web app made to automate the tasks of a dairy farm. The application leverages the Machine Learning algorithms to determine the health and diet of animals and to predict the revenue generation and milk production.

Developed in: .NET Core

Users: Farm Admin


Security Manager Website

Project Intro

A web based interface that allows admin to give read/write access and permissions to employees of the organization. There are different types of permissions handled. 

Session is managed using JavaScript LocalStorage objects.

Developed in: JavaScript

Users: Admin


Pharmacy Web App

Project Intro

A web app made for an online pharmacy selling medicines. App allows users to sign up, select medicines, add them to cart and buy them. It allows admin to manage user accounts and inventory information.

Session management done

Developed in: Java

Users: Customer and Admin






.NET Core




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